High Plains Food Bank

Hunger Doesn't Take a Summer Break

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Hunger Doesn't Take a Summer Break

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senior adult food program


The Senior Adult Food Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is offered to senior adults, ages 60 years and older, who meet these USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines.


These sites are open to all participants and/or designated proxies to pick up a monthly CSFP food box. In addition, our team may enroll qualified seniors on the spot with proper ID and self-declared income.


Childress Hope4U
1310 Ave H NW
11am – 12pm
Wednesday, March 5


Senior Citizens
112 Main St
2pm – 3pm
Wednesday, March 5


High Plains Food Bank
815 S. Ross St.
10am – 3pm
Thursday, March 6


Tulia Assembly of God
325 S. Austin Avenue
9am – 10am
Wednesday, March 12


Hereford Church of the Nazarene
1410 La Plata St.
1pm – 3pm
Wednesday, March 12


Canyon Freedom Fellowship
45 Hunsley Road
10:30am – 11:30am
Tuesday, March 18


Pampa Faith Bible Church
701 S. Cuyler
10am – 11am
Wednesday, March 19


Borger Salvation Army
1090 Coronado Circle
1pm – 3pm
Wednesday, March 19


High Plains Food Bank
815 S. Ross St.
10am – 3pm
Thursday, March 20


We’ve partnered with some rural feeding partner agencies to provide CSFP boxes to their communities. Through these sites, HPFB drops the senior boxes off once per month, and each agency distributes to its clients.


Paducah Area Food Pantry
817 Backus
(806) 492-2743
Friday, March 7


Collingsworth County Home Delivered Meals
1001 Amarillo St.
(806) 204-1740
Monday, March 10


Jireh Outreach
2210 SW 15th Ave./Perryton
(806) 435-2506
Wednesday, March 12


College Heights
802 Quincy St.
(806) 494-4844
Monday, March 17

Shamrock – First Baptist

700 N Wall St.
(806) 256-3207
Tuesday, March 18


Good Samaritan
104 Denrock
(806) 244-5230
Monday, March 19


We’ve partnered with some local senior apartment communities and the VA to provide CSFP boxes to their residents and clients. Through these sites, HPFB drops the senior boxes off once per month, and each agency distributes to its clients.

Independence Village

4700 S Virginia
(806) 358-2477
Tuesday, March 4

Marabella Apartments

5781 W. Amarillo Blvd.
(806) 367-9155
Tuesday, March 4

Clarendon Bread of Life

420 S. Jefferson
(806) 874-3667
Monday, March 10

Amarillo Veteran’s Affairs

6010 W Amarillo Blvd
(806) 355-9703
Tuesday, March 11

Northwest Village Apartments

6101 W. I-40
(806) 355-0481
Tuesday, March 11

Winwood Village

4421 Ridgecrest Cir.
(806) 353-1441
Tuesday, March 11

Bivins Village

3201 Tee Anchor
(806) 342-5530
Tuesday, March 18


Senior Food Program

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides supplemental, nutritious food to low-income senior adults. Over 2000 seniors, ages 60 and over, who meet TDA Income Eligibility Guidelines receive a 25–30-pound box of shelf-stable groceries and a 2-pound block of commodity cheese to supplement their diets. Contents included canned fruits, vegetables, and animal proteins. Boxes also include the following on a rotating basis: cereal and additional protein items like dry beans, peanut butter, grains, liquid milk, and dry milk. These boxes have an estimated value of $60-$70 and are provided free of charge to our clients. Each item provided to CSFP clients is intended to be a healthy addition to meals they prepare at home when other food sources are running low. 

Options for Homebound Seniors:

Seniors who are homebound may assign a friend, family member, or care-taker to serve as a helper (called a proxy) to collect their food box on a monthly basis. Click here to download a proxy form.

High Plains Food Bank is an equal opportunity provider.

Apply for CSFP

Download a CSFP Application
Participant rights and responsibilities (English and Spanish)
TDA Income Eligibility Guidelines
Appoint a Pick-up person (proxy form)
Additional Household Member Form – English/Spanish

Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights – English

Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights – Spanish

For more information, Josh Brown at jbrown@hpfb.org or 806-350-6376

As per [7 CFR 247.8]: To apply for CSFP benefits, the applicant or caretaker of the applicant must provide the following information on the application: name, age, address, and household income.

Texas Department of Agriculture has revised our current CSFP handbook Section 4000 and directions to our participant application (Form 1504) to state: Applicants are required to provide valid proof of identification; however, applicants are not required to provide proof of income. The applicant is now able to self declare their income when certifying for CSFP. This guidance is effective immediately.


Put food on the table for a family in need $1 = 9 MEALS

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